A sustainable role for the chemical sector

2016-02-20 09:17:03

China's 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20) is expected to provide the framework that will allow the country to shift from an energy-guzzling economy toward a more sustainable model.

Riot may spell end of radicalism in HK

2016-02-20 09:17:03

Choosing the most important traditional Chinese holiday, the Lunar New Year, to vent their anger against the establishment by staging a riot can only be interpreted as a sign of desperation by the separatists.

How to win back Chinese consumers

2016-02-20 09:17:03

More than 6 million Chinese travelers spent a record 90 billion yuan ($14.29 billion) out of Chinese mainland during the Spring Festival holiday.

Support for healthy development of TCM

2016-02-20 09:17:03

At a meeting of the State Council, or China's Cabinet, on Sunday, Premier Li Keqiang laid out measures for the upgrading and sustainable development of Traditional Chinese Medicine to better serve people's needs.

ASEAN will not pick sides to harm regional stability

2016-02-19 07:58:45

The just concluded meeting between leaders from the US and ASEAN at California, the first for both sides, produced several agreements on economic cooperation.

US-ASEAN meeting proved largely symbolic

2016-02-19 07:52:08

Considering ASEAN member states have their own different interests, and to choose sides would split the bloc, ASEAN will not choose sides or make a decision that harms regional stability; which means the US-ASEAN meeting was largely symbolic.

Quality wins consumers

2016-02-19 07:26:44

With China opening wider to the outside world, Chinese people are increasingly choosing to cast a vote with their feet against any low quality and bad services.

Protecting the wrong leads to more misdeeds

2016-02-19 07:18:03

The protection of local interest is understandable, but if the protection is used to protect such misdeeds it will only hurt local interests instead.

Financial shot in the arm

2016-02-18 07:17:04

The stronger-than-expected growth in loans in China has considerably boosted confidence in the growth prospects.

ASEAN right not to hang on US' coattails

2016-02-18 07:08:41

Considering its unrivalled influence in the region's security affairs, the US can be a big contributor to achieving peaceful resolutions to the disputes

Law must be enforced so HK can move forward

2016-02-18 08:05:31

Ultimately, Hong Kong must uphold law and implement rational and sensible policies.