Guarding the aged in earnest

2015-12-29 08:05:48

How the elderly can ensure the people supposed to be caring for them are not a threat and will give the care they need is thus an urgent question.


2015-12-28 09:34:21

Fix macro disconnect to boost consumption

2015-12-28 09:10:12

With its prowess in central planning, China has always been adept at engineering shifts in its industrial structure - as the move toward services-led growth attests.

AIIB to benefit Asia and beyond

2015-12-28 09:10:12

With the start of operations, the AIIB will join the family of multilateral financial institutions in supporting broad-based economic and social development in Asia.

How to look at China's latest achievements

2015-12-28 09:10:12

The Chinese leadership is able to formulate sound long-term macroeconomic and geopolitical policies, and to effectively implement very complex policy initiatives.

Inquiries over the use of lottery revenue laudable

2015-12-28 08:40:08

Lawmaking has made impressive headway in China, but enforcement has lagged behind, leaving some well-thought-out legislation toothless.

Government duty of care

2015-12-28 08:40:08

They are absolutely right to have sympathy with these poor parents, who have no children to keep them company or care for them in their old age.

Phasing out use of coal will lead to clean air

2015-12-26 09:17:11

Indeed, the government has already taken measures to promote new energy, innovation and relocation of industries, which, if well implemented, will have a positive effect on environmental preservation.

Heed parents' call to better protect students from smog

2015-12-25 08:18:19

Better protection of students and other vulnerable groups have to be an integral part of the battle against air pollution.

China's global responsibility growing

2015-12-25 08:18:19

With China greatly increasing its financial input into the UN based on its economic status, it is only natural that China should have a greater say in the UN affairs and global governance.

Blacklisting tourists for better behavior

2015-12-24 08:27:47

The tourism authority's latest move to punish tourists who behave badly is a positive step in this direction.