
2015-09-29 08:24:58

Xi-Obama one-on-one is all about substance

2015-09-28 08:41:10

Today, China and the US have a high stake in each other's success, just as the world has in a strong and resilient China-US relationship.

China, EU and 5G: Internet of the future

2015-09-28 07:46:48

China and the EU could leverage their unique technological and market strengths collaboratively to establish a major strategic presence in the future 5G mobile markets globally.

Pollution cheating

2015-09-28 08:47:57

Sino-US cooperation can help anti-graft drive

2015-09-26 09:37:51

President Xi Jinping has said it is the responsibility of all countries to maintain the world order and international system with the UN Charter at its core, and promote new type of win-win international relations.

China drives global economy despite slowdown

2015-09-26 09:25:50

The increasing downward pressure on China's economy is a result of the slow growth in domestic demand, which, in turn, is a result of the country's structural adjustment and weakening external demands.

Investment deal to boost bilateral and global trade

2015-09-26 09:25:50

A high-standard Bilateral Investment Treaty is a tall order but essential for China and the US to emerge economically stronger from the current global slowdown.

Emission scandal

2015-09-25 08:53:17

A blow to the green mission

2015-09-25 07:37:40

Global leaders should condemn such corporate cheating because it has weakened our fight against emissions.

Mutual assurance vital to controlling damage

2015-09-25 07:37:01

It will take a lot of doing for Washington to believe Beijing has no intention of challenging or superseding the US.

Ethnic equality, unity and development in Xinjiang

2015-09-25 07:56:07

To build a beautiful Xinjiang with efforts of all ethnic groups and realize the Chinese Dream is the common aspiration of the whole nation, including all the peoples of Xinjiang. A brighter future beckons.