Japan should heed call of reason from China

2016-09-28 07:20:54

The significance of smooth Sino-Japanese relations cannot be overstated, for they not only serve the interests of the world's second- and third-largest economies, but also strengthen peace and stability in the region and beyond.

Beijing-Tokyo ties deserve brighter future

2016-09-28 07:56:27

Jiang Jianguo, minister of the State Council Information Office, also delivers a speech at the Beijing-Tokyo forum on Tuesday

China, Japan must eye shared destiny

2016-09-28 07:49:20

Tang Jiaxuan, president of China-Japan Friendship Association, delivered a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the two-day 12th Beijing-Tokyo Forum which began in Tokyo on Tuesday.

Initiative helping nations in development paces

2016-09-27 07:17:22

A lot of progress has been made since China launched the Belt and Road Initiative three years ago with the aim of boosting trade and infrastructure.

Promoting mutual trust and win-win cooperation

2016-09-27 07:43:54

Liu Qibao, the head of the CPC Central Committee's Publicity Department, delivered a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the International Seminar on the Belt and Road Initiative.

Rejection of one-China basis the bane of Taiwan

2016-09-26 07:02:21

Taiwan's failure to get invited to Tuesday's International Civil Aviation Organization assembly in Montreal, Canada.

Baby boom not likely in the near future

2016-09-26 07:33:29

The family planning policy has been changed and, from Jan 1, all couples were allowed to have two children. Within months, however, some cities began facing challenges.

Making banks accessible to the poor in Asia

2016-09-26 07:30:25

Giving the poor access to financial services is accepted wisdom. What isn't appreciated is how this is undermined by a lingering lack of trust in banks among the people most in need of their services.

School district houses

2016-09-26 08:01:01

Investor distrust leads to stock market slump over new listing rule

2016-09-24 08:56:46

The securities regulator recently issued a policy that will shorten the listing process of companies from China's western and other less-developed regions.

Enough reasons for Charity Law to succeed

2016-09-24 08:55:08

As a Canadian and a charity lawyer working internationally, I was involved in the legislative process for over 10 years.