Green building solutions for energy efficiency

2015-02-03 08:50:47

We all have a stake in supporting and emulating China's new energy efficiency policies. Cleaner air in China and in the US means progress toward a sustainable future for all.

Tsipras needs a recovery plan

2015-02-03 08:50:47

Tsipras has very good reason to change his stubborn party lines in practice, as he must realize that he is now working for the country and its people within the EU framework.

Beef up border vigil to end 'bride trade'

2015-02-03 08:33:42

Chinese law enforcement officers should raid trans-border "matrimonial agencies" and close them down if they are found guilty of human trafficking.

Dalai Lama meeting, a political gimmick?

2015-02-02 07:44:56

If Obama cherishes the smooth development of US-China relations, he needs to think twice about his fourth meeting with the Dalai Lama.

No alarm in Greece's port U-turn

2015-02-02 07:44:42

The COSCO deal will be reviewed to the benefit of the Greek people. And the review will prove that continuing the deal is in the best interest of the Greek people.

Labor needs skills training to adapt to the age of robots

2015-02-02 07:44:42

For all of the progress human society has made since the era of the Luddites, a simple truth persists: machines must strengthen, not weaken.

Economic indicators

2015-02-02 07:17:21

'Belt and Road Initiatives' no Marshall Plan of China

2015-01-31 08:02:36

The Cold War mentality and bipolar structure have no place in China's Silk Road initiatives, which are open to all countries and aim to achieve win-win results rather than regional hegemony.

More openness needed to update China-DPRK ties

2015-01-31 08:02:36

When confronted with an emergency near the border that poses a threat to bilateral relations, the most sensible thing to do is to establish instant communication and discuss how to resolve the issue.

Taobao and regulator must refine e-business

2015-01-31 08:02:36

The squabble between China's e-commerce giant Alibaba and the State's market regulator, caused by a product quality report, points to improved market environment and governance.

'Road and Belt Initiatives' to restore lost glory

2015-01-30 08:23:38

The Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road strategic initiatives are China's important step toward countering the containment policies of certain Western countries.

Free of gilt, sports get a breath of fresh air

2015-01-30 07:53:55

After worshipping gold medals for decades, China has finally taken a step to separate sports from utilitarianism and accord priority to sportsmanship.