Lost angel

2015-09-07 07:23:51

An apt example of a wolf in sheep's clothing

2015-09-05 09:57:17

Wang's remark that "money makes the mare move" shows he knew the importance of money for the poor and used it to plug the legal loopholes to exploit the girls and their families.

Troop cut a concrete step for peace

2015-09-05 09:57:17

Compared with Japan which has a population of 120 million but 230,000 personnel in its Self-Defense Forces, China's 2 million troops for a population of more than 1.3 billion should not be a source of concern for anybody.

A nation that swears by people, peace and justice

2015-09-05 09:57:17

China is a peaceful country and will remain so thanks to its long history and unique capability to adapt to and integrate foreign influences in its culture.

A watershed moment in China's history

2015-09-04 09:26:29

Given the specific knowledge Chinese people have about China's territory, they will never compromise on it, nor will they covet other countries' territories.

Nation's military power grows but still trails behind

2015-09-04 08:59:11

As China's economic might has grown, so has its military capability, sending a message that China is prepared to defend its core interests.

V-Day parade presents collective will for peace

2015-09-04 08:32:34

To the host country and its people, however, it was nothing but an occasion to reflect on the past and reiterate their commitment to peace.

Some in the West still stuck in Cold War

2015-09-04 08:50:47

China, with its different political system, has long been viewed with deep suspicion by the West - a legacy of the Cold War.

School's discrimination illegal

2015-09-03 08:06:30

Prejudice still exists against those known to be infected with the virus, leading to discrimination in employment, education, medical treatment and daily life.

Remember days past to build a better future

2015-09-03 08:06:30

It is these heroes and pioneers that Xi was paying tribute to when he said at the medal presentation ceremony: "A promising nation cannot go without heroes or pioneers."

This could be a Sino-American century

2015-09-03 08:06:30

There is enough of an optimist in me to imagine that this could be the Sino-American century, a unique bi-national cooperation of partners that sometimes agree to disagree.

Mail drop

2015-09-03 08:39:36