KFC reports reveal Western media's bias

2015-06-04 07:33:28

It is the decline in competitiveness experienced by KFC in China should be the real focus of attention.

Not enough

2015-06-04 07:35:36

Kids not dolls to play with, need utmost care

2015-06-03 07:47:27

A child is not a super doll immune to damage. It is fragile and must be handled with extreme care.

How to accommodate China to benefit all

2015-06-03 07:47:27

Rather than raise its South China Sea profile, the US should bob and weave out there with the utmost care, no matter how allegedly saintly its intentions.

Understanding Communist Party of China

2015-06-03 07:47:27

If one looks at almost every aspect of real life, Chinese people have more personal freedom today than at any other time in their long history.

FIFA corruption

2015-06-03 08:09:48

Milan Expo a showcase of world disparity

2015-06-02 07:40:29

It should also serve as a wake-up call to the international community to take steps to ensure that the reconstruction plan in Nepal does not go the Haiti way.

Crash of economic crash theory

2015-06-02 07:40:29

In the West, governments and central banks are running out of ammunition. That is not the case in China.

How best to narrow the income gap

2015-06-01 11:05:12

According to a National Health and Family Planning Commission survey, the income of China’s top 20 percent high-income families is 19 times that of the lowest 20 percent low-income families.


2015-06-02 07:47:14

South China Sea to top China-US talks agenda

2015-06-01 07:50:23

It is thus clear that like many other difficult situations in China's neighborhood, the South China Sea issue will affect China-US relations.

Channel animal spirits for better future

2015-06-01 07:50:23

If China's animal spirits are allowed to operate through market mechanisms, China can stay the course toward the new economy.