Abenomics suffers crippling blow

2016-04-07 08:22:47

US militarizing South China Sea

2016-04-07 07:46:03

Militarization of the South China Sea benefits no one. The US should keep its promise of not taking sides, instead of fueling dissension and tension in the region.

DPRK changing course will lead to peace talks

2016-04-07 07:46:19

Beijing has two goals on the Korean Peninsula: peace and denuclearization.

Political motives behind US operations

2016-04-07 08:00:30

The United States began flexing its military muscles in the South China Sea last year as part of its political and diplomatic maneuvers in the region.

A tale of three Disney cities in Asia

2016-04-06 11:05:09

Asia is beginning to pull head of North America in the global theme park business. In East Asia, the focus is on Disney parks in Tokyo, Hong Kong and Shanghai.

Smartphone addict

2016-04-06 08:54:58

Neighbors share the will to be brotherly friends

2016-04-06 07:43:25

The cool-headedness they have displayed so far justifies confidence that bilateral ties will not get stuck in calculations of immediate gains or losses.

Japan overtly meddling

2016-04-06 07:42:27

The deeper involvement of external forces such as the US and Japan is turning the South China Sea into a wrestling ring for power and reducing the possibility of peaceful settlement.

Reduce packaging, make deliveries greener

2016-04-06 08:23:29

To tackle the gargantuan waste problem, one can wish that people stop shopping online. But if wishes were horses, beggars would fly.

China, Myanmar to broaden engagement

2016-04-06 08:23:29

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi is paying an official visit to Myanmar on Tuesday and Wednesday at the invitation of Myanmar's new Foreign Minister Aung San Suu Kyi.

Taking a page from Europe's book to prosperity

2016-04-06 08:23:29

China needs to identify the poor and needy in the country, as well as build more libraries to allow children from poor families to have access to more books because they can help them emerge out of poverty.

When will Chinese TV dramas play their part?

2016-04-05 10:29:10

With the Descendants of the Sun being a big hit with TV viewers on the Chinese mainland, people cannot but ask: Why cannot China make such popular TV dramas?