Anti-graft drive will strengthen PLA

2015-01-26 15:24:55

As one after another corrupt military officer falls, the modernization of China's military will gain pace and the country will once again have a valiant fighting force.

Greece may exit from eurozone

2015-01-27 08:11:07


2015-01-26 08:57:21

China-US ties entering a more delicate period

2015-01-26 08:26:18

Beijing must prepare for a more divided Washington, mixed policy messages and potentially confrontational policies from the US in the post-Obama era.

US, China need to control differences

2015-01-26 08:15:00

The development of Sino-US relations over the past three decades has proved the importance of common ground.

GDP gives way to growth quality

2015-01-26 07:44:38

The mayor of Shanghai said steady growth will be maintained, the economic structure further optimized and the quality of growth improved.

Good supervision can end taxi woes

2015-01-26 08:15:00

It is the information asymmetry between taxi operators and the public has resulted in an increasing number of passengers complaining about the difficulty in getting a cab.

What Obama's India visit means to China

2015-01-26 07:44:52

Apart from China's rise, its increasing assertiveness in regional and global matters is often cited as a possible trigger for India's policy drift.

Two engines to beat mid-income trap

2015-01-24 09:15:17

A more liberalized market and government reforms, the two engines highlighted by Premier Li Keqiang are expected to help China avoid the middle-income trap on its way to a high-income society.

Asia-Pacific can help end AIDS epidemic

2015-01-24 09:15:17

Today, new HIV infections are down significantly worldwide, while access to treatment has cut the number of AIDS-related deaths by more than a third.

Make it easy for workers to get pay on time

2015-01-24 09:15:17

The frequent tragedies involving migrant workers' seeking their wage arrears reveal the lack of a mechanism to ensure the effective implementation of the laws and regulations to protect the vulnerable group's rights and interests.

Time to push on with IMF reform

2015-01-23 08:05:43

The IMF reforms are designed to reflect the increasing importance of emerging economies and retain the influence of smaller developing countries in the IMF.