Misperceptions root cause of frictions with China

2016-03-09 07:54:01

Beijing's quarrels with Tokyo and Washington, whether about territorial disputes or so-called freedom of navigation, are essentially about international law. But increasingly they are drifting away from the truth, causation of the matter, and international law.

US-China tourism year

2016-03-09 10:05:10

Women's Day

2016-03-08 09:36:41

China's lonely fight against deflation risk

2016-03-08 08:23:46

In early February, as China celebrated the start of the Year of the Monkey, a widely circulated hedge fund newsletter roiled financial markets by predicting a hard landing for the economy, the collapse of the "shadow-banking" system and the devaluation of the yuan.

Li's economic geography points the way forward

2016-03-08 07:35:24

Premier Li Keqiang's daily work schedule during the annual session of the National People's Congress reflects China's changing economic geography.

Empowering women as clean energy leaders

2016-03-08 08:23:46

Across high-level processes and at the local level, the pivotal experiences of women-as those most vulnerable to energy poverty and as the ones predominantly responsible for household energy provision make gender a key.

The longer people live the better they are for business

2016-03-08 08:23:46

China has proposed to increase people's life expectancy by one year by 2020-from 76.34 in 2015, though women, on average, live longer than men.

'Leftover men' not a crisis in the making

2016-03-07 08:05:22

The number of 30-plus bachelors, or "leftover men", in China's rural areas is astonishing. Some demographers estimate there may be 30 million, even 50 million of them thanks to the widening sex ratio at birth.

Tsai's choice critical for cross-Straits ties

2016-03-07 07:33:16

The future of cross-Straits ties and the benefits people on both sides enjoy from them depend, to a large degree, on the choice Taiwan's new leader makes.

Journalists can help improve China's image

2016-03-07 08:05:22

China has bred some outstanding journalists and has been trying hard to improve the quality of journalism. More of such journalists-and their work-should be shown to the world. That, alone, would help improve up China's image.

Caution on reform, growth remains key objective

2016-03-07 08:05:22

Painful reforms such as shutting down unprofitable State-owned enterprises are easier amid solid growth. But 6.5 percent is an ambitious growth target that will require significant macroeconomic policy stimulus.

Abe's desire to pursue constitutional change risks alienating public

2016-03-07 08:05:22

With his second three-year term as president of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party expiring in Sept 2018, Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has set himself the goal of revising the country's Constitution in the next two and a half years.