China-bashing not good for US economy, only wooing voters

2016-08-13 10:30:47

US Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Tuesday played the China-bashing card once again in his latest attempt to reverse his falling popularity. The inflammatory rhetoric, however, is dangerous and damaging to relations with China.

Trade protection

2016-08-12 09:17:43

Trade protection

Is cupping therapy good for you?

2016-08-10 13:05:38

Cupping is a form of therapy widely used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It consists of creating a local suction on the skin using either heat (fire) or mechanical devices (hand or electrical pumps).

Micro-level incentives for healthy growth

2016-08-12 09:04:34

President Xi Jinping's government is committed to structural reform. China's leaders know that they can no longer rely on stimulating short-term demand.

Why power of honghuang drove netizens crazy?

2016-08-11 15:43:10

What have ancient Taoism and the internet got to do with women's 100-meter backstroke swimming final at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games? Everything!

Tokyo's provocations lead to tit-for-tat responses

2016-08-12 08:26:36

It is Tokyo's intransigence that is to blame for much of the tension that has arisen with China in recent years over islands in the East China Sea.

Chinese football

2016-08-11 08:31:27

Chinese football

Tokyo should not try to lead Manila astray

2016-08-11 07:47:41

Both Beijing and Manila have kept a low profile over the visit of former Philippine president Fidel Ramos to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in the past couple of days, but his mission has been evident: to seek the possibility of easing the strained bilateral relations.

Applaud all athletes to spread sports spirit

2016-08-11 08:24:38

Australian swimmer Mack Horton has made a big splash at the 2016 Olympic Games, not because of the gold medal he won in the men's 400-meter freestyle, but because of his comment against rival Sun Yang of China. Horton called Sun a "drug cheat" during an interview with the media.

G20 golden chance to lead on development

2016-08-11 07:39:52

In September, China will host the G20 Leaders' Summit for the first time. It could not have chosen a more opportune moment to assume the G20 chair. And President Xi Jinping should seize the occasion to push China's ambitious development agenda globally.

Abe sends worrying sign of forgetting war past

2016-08-11 08:24:38

While observing the 71st anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan should also solemnly reflect upon its history of aggression.

Deepening market reforms will help reduce overcapacity

2016-08-11 08:24:38

The government vowed on Tuesday to accelerate efforts to reduce excess production capacity, a task that tops the central economic agenda. This is not the first time the central authorities have expressed their resolve to press ahead with the formidable task.