A welcome and useful debate on diplomacy

2016-04-11 08:22:38

Wu-Hu debate reflects a social understanding to protect China's national interests by devising an effective foreign policy.

New tariff policy

2016-04-11 08:58:26

A matter of nuclear responsibility

2016-04-09 09:11:41

President Xi Jinping's recent visit to the Czech Republic and participation in the fourth Nuclear Security Summit in Washington once again highlighted China's sense of principle and responsibility.

Organizing races well is a marathon task

2016-04-09 09:11:41

As the country pushes ahead with the supply-side reform to boost economic growth and focus on quality rather than quantity, marathon organizers should note that the quality of runners and their racing experiences are much more important than the numbers of participants in races.

Looking beautiful vs feeling healthy

2016-04-09 09:11:41

For generations, feminists have been fighting for equality and freedom from prejudice. Now, A4 sheets, 100-yuan notes and iPhones 6 are threatening to offset their gains and add fresh links to women's shackles.

Rate hike ends tax-free era for cross-border e-commerce business

2016-04-09 09:11:41

China adjusted the tax structure for retail goods imported by e-commerce companies from April 8, replacing the luggage and postal taxes with added-value tax, consumption tax and customs duty.

Shoulder to shoulder

2016-04-08 08:20:39

Better overseas risk management

2016-04-08 07:59:19

The China Banking Regulatory Commission recently issued a series of specific requirements aimed at further strengthening the overseas risk management of Chinese financial institutions.

Tsai should rein in her party's extremists

2016-04-08 07:59:38

Tsai should waste no time in reining in the extremists within her party from making further provocative moves as they are jeopardizing the improvement in relations achieved under the eight years of Kuomintang rule.

Ideal education system offers options

2016-04-08 08:00:23

An ideal education system is one that enables students to make their own choice-academic education or vocational education, studying in China or abroad-according to their financial conditions, academic performances, interests, capabilities and career paths.

G20 Summit to help China play better role

2016-04-08 08:00:23

In fact, it registered the lowest growth rate in six years, owing to factors such as very low growth of global trade, steep falls in commodity prices and increasing fluctuations in the international financial market.

Reworking a formula for economic success

2016-04-08 08:00:23

There is still huge scope today for China to gain from its original policy prescription: prodding SOEs to get in line for reform while letting entrepreneurs meet the needs of Chinese consumers.