By opposing US nuke policy, Abe shows true colors

2016-08-22 08:25:40

Aug 6 and 9 are days of mourning for Hiroshima and Nagasaki. On Aug 6, 1945, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. Three days later, it dropped a second one on Nagasaki. Japan surrendered in World War II on Aug 15.

Bizarre solo relay in Rio puts power of US on full display

2016-08-20 09:38:22

The world doesn't want to see a solo-re-run in the final of an athletic event at the Olympics.

High price to pay for words said in anger

2016-08-20 10:11:50

If Wang wants to punish his wife, he can sue her for a divorce, and, by proving her disloyalty, put her at a disadvantage in the lawsuit.

Overuse makes antibiotics anti-health

2016-08-20 10:11:50

Improper or overuse of antibiotics is proven to be the leading cause of public health problems.

Strong GP network vital for healthy China

2016-08-20 09:38:22

With the same pragmatism and determination with which China has faced, it will set China on a path to a healthier and more prosperous future.

World's first quantum satellite

2016-08-19 08:49:27

Attitude to sport changed

2016-08-19 08:45:17

Seen from the largest-ever delegation of athletes China sent and the restricted participation of Russian athletes, Chinese athletes were expected to give a commendable performance at the Rio Olympics.

Myanmar no pawn in geopolitical games

2016-08-19 08:45:01

Beijing is a constructive stakeholder in Naypyitaw's pursuit of domestic peace and national reconciliation.

What constitutes a libel in a marital case

2016-08-19 08:32:35

Why Wang cannot make a statement saying he was dissolving his marriage with Ma after he found that she was cheating on him?

Students must make full use of vacations

2016-08-19 08:32:35

More than half of the college students who responded to a nationwide survey said they didn't participate in outdoor activities during the summer vacation.

Realty boost to economy not good in long run

2016-08-19 08:32:35

If the asset bubbles are not deflated, China's economy cannot continue to grow and its financial market will face a huge risk.

Trap in troubles

2016-08-18 08:32:48