Leaders need to have shared vision of China-US relations

2015-09-18 08:04:53

While China does need to make more efforts to show that a rising China is peaceful and beneficial to the world, there are lot of adjustments the US needs to make.

Split over migrant crisis

2015-09-17 09:08:22

Potential impact of migrants on Europe

2015-09-17 07:45:28

If recipient countries integrate the migrants reasonably well, migration could be a boost to aggregate supply: firmer growth trend for a while.

Tsai should clarify position on cross-Straits ties

2015-09-17 07:45:28

Tsai's policy toward the mainland is important to Americans because the US is the only country that "might" provide it with military support in a crisis.

A mix of US, Chinese education best for kids

2015-09-17 07:45:28

Understanding the differences between Chinese and US family education will help the two sides use them to make comparisons more meaningful and healthy.

Time for Abe to stop leading Japan astray

2015-09-17 07:55:59

Abe is hell-bent on setting up more obstacles on the road to reconciliation between Japan and its Asian neighbors, especially China and the Republic of Korea.

Boost for taxi sector reform

2015-09-17 07:55:59

The emergence of taxi-hailing apps has challenged the long-established taxi service cartel by giving passengers access to a larger pool of private vehicles.

Needless fuss over tycoon

2015-09-16 09:48:24

There is no need to over-interpret Li's asset sales on the mainland, because business decisions are not based on political and moral considerations.

Low kick

2015-09-16 08:37:54

It's time to control and manage disparities

2015-09-16 09:54:09

The fact remains that, avoiding disagreements will, in the long term, benefit not only Beijing and Washington, but also the Asia-Pacific region as a whole.

China's helping role in developing nations' growth

2015-09-16 09:54:09

We hope this partnership will keep growing so that we can continue to help other developing countries achieve the new Sustainable Development Goals.

China, US should transcend economic fears

2015-09-16 09:21:15

What the two great nations need is not fear about each other's real or perceived weaknesses, but confidence about their respective strengths.