Lighting a cigarette

2015-07-22 08:52:04

Market crash: Did Western media play fair?

2015-07-21 07:55:07

Why anyone would root for China to keel over is beyond understanding. It is not only dumb, from the standpoint of economic self-interest.

Population policy now a problem not a solution

2015-07-21 07:55:07

China's leadership should recognize that high fertility is no longer a problem and that continuing an outdated family planning policy fails to respond to China's new demographic realities.

Many benefits of a grand plan for affordable housing

2015-07-21 07:55:07

To ensure such housing fulfilled its purpose, the government should carefully allocate the affordable apartments so they only go to those they are intended for.

Japan security bills

2015-07-21 07:52:53

China can balance eco-protection with growth

2015-07-20 09:36:10

The ADB will continue to give full support to China and its people in addressing the "twin challenge" of the environment and climate change, while promoting greater industrial efficiency and technological transformation.

China's subs in Indian Ocean no worry for India

2015-07-20 09:36:10

If growth of strength indeed brings confidence, a stronger India should be broad-minded.

Security bills signal fundamental shift in defense policy

2015-07-20 09:36:10

Abe's pursuit of the right to collective self-defense and remilitarization is fueling the uncertainty and tensions in the region.

All the same?

2015-07-20 09:49:01

Need for global governance reform acute

2015-07-18 08:06:40

The aim of global economic governance reform should be to promote the economic transformation of emerging economies, because it is very important to the sustainable development of the world.

New Japanese sites on UN heritage list have negative historic value

2015-07-18 08:06:40

By including Japan's controversial sites in its World Heritage list, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization has helped Japan cover or glorify one of its past wartime atrocities.

Shameful tale of sex, lies, and videotape

2015-07-18 08:06:40

We should not forget that in the era of the Internet, anyone can fall prey to such cyber violence. More than the law, it is people's conscience that can prevent such large-scale cyber frenzy over privacy.