South China Sea not a playground for US

2016-03-28 07:57:33

The United States has beefed up its military presence in the Asia-Pacific region, especially in the South China Sea, over the past months, apparently to challenge China's lawful claims.

Charity law takes root in right earnest

2016-03-26 07:57:43

The newly passed Charity Law balances the interests of charity organizations, donors, volunteers, beneficiaries and trustees, and is expected to protect legal rights of those taking part in charity work and promote social development.

Consumption leads economic revival

2016-03-26 07:57:43

Which country will lead the new economic development? The answer is China, because it has the largest population, and is set to become the world's largest economy, largest trader, largest buyer and the largest consumer market.

Meaning of AIIB's eco-social framework

2016-03-26 07:57:43

The announcement of the ESF approval came as a surprise to stakeholders that have been hoping to formally weigh in on this critical process, as there was just a brief moment late last year when the first ESF draft was open to comments.

Outsiders spread misgivings

2016-03-25 08:04:48

China is a staunch believer in multilateral cooperation and promotes cooperation based on equality. As such, it will never exercise its influence to seek a dominant role.

Terrorism never works

2016-03-25 08:58:19

Actions speak louder than words, and doubts

2016-03-25 08:05:19

China's action has matched its financial officials' claims that the AIIB is not going to be a Chinese toy, but an international vehicle.

League gets new champs, not basketball

2016-03-25 08:28:25

Like it or not, a team expecting to succeed in the long run in the CBA league has to stand on its own by cultivating homegrown talents rather than by luring big-names from abroad with lucrative paychecks.

Tsai plays dumb charade across Straits

2016-03-25 08:28:25

Tsai's administration as well as her party will benefit from such a "guilt economy". This is because a guilt economy as such will generate pressures on those making profits on the mainland to make contributions to her party or her "policy priority".

Enforcement needed to plug health system loopholes

2016-03-25 08:28:25

Enforcing regulations with bona fide adherence to the rule of law is arguably more crucial than introduction of more regulations or more investment in the system. This scandal has sounded an alarm.

Turkey's closed border

2016-03-24 08:29:04

Vaccines are not high-risk biological products

2016-03-24 07:56:10

The latest vaccine scandal, exposed in East China's Shandong province, has generated excessive unprofessional interpretations of possible side effects.