The rich have a role at two sessions

2015-03-13 10:24:21

Should or should not more rich people attend the annual sessions of the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference National Committee is a difficult question.

Solve income tax puzzle with fair policy

2015-03-13 10:24:21

It may take a long time to fully implement a consolidated income tax system, but we could start with a combination of consolidated and classified income tax which would take into consideration family exigencies.

Top-down planning chases innovation

2015-03-12 08:18:46

In this year's Government Work Report, Premier Li Keqiang has repeatedly stressed the importance of innovation.

Seventy years of selective postwar history

2015-03-12 08:18:46

The present historical perceptions - or perhaps more accurately - misperceptions of the past conflicts in the Pacific do not augur well for the future.

Rising pension burden poses a problem

2015-03-12 07:50:59

Without systematic reform these two explicit pension debts will increase with each passing year.


2015-03-12 08:24:35

Woman's right whether to have another child

2015-03-11 07:36:37

No matter whether it is under the partial two-child policy or a comprehensive two-child policy, a woman's right to decide about child birth needs to be guaranteed by the law.

Healthcare's for-profit non-profit balancing act

2015-03-11 07:36:37

The major challenge is how to balance the non-profit "mission" of the State-owned healthcare industry with the for-profit nature of the market economy.

Nail the lie about Silk Road initiatives

2015-03-10 15:34:45

Although the "Belt and Road Initiatives" differ with the Marshall Plan, China needs to respond to experts and media outlets that attempt wrong comparisons.

Email scandal

2015-03-11 08:10:51

A silver lining has come in fight against smog

2015-03-10 08:17:22

Smog is a hot topic at the Two Sessions with Premier Li Keqiang vowing to enforce environmental regulations in the Government Work Report.

Party disciplines complementary to rule of law

2015-03-10 08:17:22

The rule of law and strictly regulating the Party are two of "Four Comprehensives" put forward by Xi Jinping recently as a blueprint for realizing the rejuvenation of the nation.