China, Russia lead non-West initiatives

2015-05-08 07:43:27

The Russia-China rapprochement is a sign of the changing world order, in which the West is still very relevant, but no longer dominant.

Traffic law enforcement best protection for lives

2015-05-08 07:43:27

Safety should be the priority of all drivers and maintaining road order the duty of everyone using the roads.


2015-05-08 07:42:26

Specter of racial discrimination haunts US

2015-05-07 07:48:00

Despite the specter of racial discrimination haunting the US, the American administration and media continue to criticize other countries' for their so-called human rights record.

EU and China strategic partners for long run

2015-05-07 07:48:00

China and Europe are amongst those who built and maintained the post-World War II international order based on the UN Charter.

Motorization not at the cost of kids' lives

2015-05-06 07:49:39

With the right actions implemented in a timely manner, China can reduce road injuries and fatalities.

Keep silence

2015-05-07 08:01:20


2015-05-06 08:12:21

Betterment of China-DPRK ties good for all

2015-05-06 07:49:39

China needs to convince the DPRK to stick to the "Sept 19 joint statement" on denuclearization, and urge the US, Japan and the ROK to lower the threshold to return to the Six-Party Talks.

Moscow visit shows Xi respects history

2015-05-05 10:52:02

The refusal of Western leaders, and those of Germany and Japan, to attend the 70th anniversary Victory Parade in Moscow on May 9 is a willful distortion of modern history.

China-EU ties four decades before and after

2015-05-05 08:10:56

Infrastructure development can enable Europeans and Chinese to travel by high-speed trains from major Chinese cities to European capitals.

World must aim at smart development goals

2015-05-05 08:10:56

Governments should forgo the instant gratification of promising everything to everyone, and instead focus on choosing smart development goals.