In down times, friendship can nourish the soul

2010-03-08 10:41:17

It's tradition for high school classmates to get together during the Spring Festival over a big dinner or party to catch up with old friends.

Roast dog can be some men's best friend

2010-03-08 10:37:15

I heard on recent website buzz that there is now a nationwide draft law to ban the eating of dogs and cats and the sale of their meat, which suggests violators to be detained for 15 days.

Culture is used as excuse for failed marriage

2010-03-05 17:27:15

On Why foreigners date Chinese women?

Sex tape unspools privacy debate

2010-03-03 11:31:33

On Model's sex video posted online by 'angry' ex-boyfriend

Dating topic arouses interest

2010-03-02 13:56:36

Editor's Note: The METRO article "Why do foreigners date Chinese women?" (Feb 26, 2010, M3) prompted more than 40 Web comments so far. We have decided to print some most representative views here.

Snow sweeper falls between cracks in Chinese laws

2010-03-01 11:48:31

Laws in China are far from perfect in terms of guarding the interests of vulnerable groups.

Chained boy raises issue of care for migrant children

2010-02-05 09:39:08

The scene of a two-year old boy from a migrant family being tethered to a pole in the street in Fangshan district aroused deep sympathy from Beijingers this winter. Little Jindan was tied to a roadside iron pole with a two-meter iron chain. Cheng Chuanliu, the father, said he did this out of safety concerns.

Why do foreigners date Chinese women?

2010-02-26 11:51:01

Many foreigners in Beijing have Chinese girlfriends or wives. Why do they date Chinese women? Sexual need, curiosity, or love?

Is fighting for a life in the city really worth it?

2010-02-08 10:25:00

One of my best friends and a graduate of Peking University recently quit her job and started a language training school in her hometown. She has refused to be forced to work extra hours every day.

Trumpet an end to ivory trade

2010-02-25 11:45:35

I was surprised when I went with my girlfriend to one of Beijing's famed antique streets for a nose-around.

As credits roll, drama roils gala

2010-02-24 11:31:19

Few TV shows attract so much attention.

Is true love unaffordable in Beijing?

2010-02-22 10:52:34

Spring Festival may be the worst holiday for one of my friends, all because she has a "lousy" boyfriend. Every time she goes home, her parents nag her, trying to talk her out of the relationship.