Quotation of the day

2010-04-02 07:30:59

Is the 'crime of group sex' really outdated?

2010-04-01 07:53:46

Sociologist Li Yinhe, known for her promotion of "sex rights", has again become the focal point of public attention with an article that appeared in her blog on March 3.

Suicide a selfish act for 'Me Generation'

2010-04-01 07:53:46

Last week I caught a glimpse of a piece of news from the local paper which stopped me from looking through the following pages for a moment: a 26-year-old PhD student at the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications committed suicide by jumping from the 13th floor of the university's main building.

Quotation of the day

2010-04-01 07:53:46

Battle of sexes stirs up a new front: kitchen

2010-03-31 08:12:32

A French guy once asked me: "Do

A dream walk along a carless street

2010-03-31 08:12:32

Usually our dreams just clear out the nonessential information we get from day to day, a mental disk defrag, if you like.

Quotation of the day

2010-03-31 08:12:32

Single women should set their sights lower

2010-03-30 08:13:14

On Simply fabulous but still single

HP laptops leave bad taste in the mouth

2010-03-30 08:13:14

Hewlett Packard has been in the news recently after problems with its graphics card caused laptop screens to die for many frustrated users. These things happen from time to time and the standard practice is a complete recall of affected products. However, in this case, HP has refused to recall the malfunctioning laptops or even accept blame.

Hit delete button after taping your sexcapades

2010-03-29 07:56:40

Shoushou was wrong. She made a mistake.

Drought in the southwest a timely warning

2010-03-29 07:56:40

With southwest China hit by a drought, there have been renewed public appeals for water conservation in Beijing.

Quotation of the day

2010-03-29 07:56:40