New Chinese fast food

2011-07-17 08:43:20

How do you capture the palate of a nation of 1.3 billion, especially if you're something of an outsider? Tiffany Tan finds out how Yonghe King has risen to the challenge.

Food as medicine

2011-07-17 08:43:20


New Chinese fast food

2011-07-17 08:43:20

How do you capture the palate of a nation of 1.3 billion, especially if you're something of an outsider? Tiffany Tan finds out how Yonghe King has risen to the challenge.

Food as medicine

2011-07-17 08:43:20

Few would like the idea of adding medicine to food, but for the Chinese, sometimes food is medicine, and adding natural herbs to dishes may mean the creation of a gourmet dish with healthy benefits.

So French So Good

2011-06-28 10:10:20

Sofitel luxury hotels will join the French government’s initiative “So French So Good” in July, to give people all over the world “a taste for France”.

Simple, inventive French food served in a fun setting

2011-06-08 07:32:07

French chef Yannick Alleno, whose Paris restaurant Le Meurice was awarded three Michelin stars in 2007, will open a new restaurant in the Shangri-La Hotel, Beijing in September.

The new burger kings

2011-06-08 07:32:07

The voice of Adam Murray, chef and co-owner of Home Plate Bar-B-Que, is heavy, friendly and laid-back, the kind of voice where you can hear echoes of "hey" long after he greets you. The voice of co-owner Seth Grossman, on the other hand, is light, somewhat chirpy but raspy.

An all-white adventure

2011-06-01 08:28:58

Restaurant review

Coffee comes with a taste of the future

2011-06-01 08:28:58

Steeped in medieval European mystique, Gypsy culture and the occult, tarot cards are certainly not something one would expect to be popular in China. However, just as Westerners may be drawn to the foreign allure of the I Ching and fengshui, young Chinese are becoming more curious about this Western divination tool.

This bean curd packs a punch

2011-05-25 07:52:00

Bean curd will go bad if it is left out for two days, but it can become edible again after fermenting for up to three months. Then it is sufu, or fermented tofu, also known as Chinese soy cheese, a traditional food common on Chinese tables. In Mandarin, it's called furu.

A stylish setting but tame dishes fall flat

2011-05-25 07:52:00

Master Zong briefly darted his tired eyes and corresponding brows upward as if to say: "Are you serious??Dressed in his traditional Chinese brimless cap and golden silk jacket, he had been asked to make a complicated figurine of an old Beijing woman using his technique of shaping flour-based dough into mianren, or flour people. Master and customer eventually settled on the legendary Zhu Bajie from Journey to the West, but the pestering didn't stop.

Medicine never tasted this good

2011-05-18 08:25:42

The opening of Zhongwei Yuyuan Fushan a couple of years ago, with its adjoining vegetable farm, came in response to a spate of food safety scandals that hit the front pages of Chinese newspapers. We read about chemical pesticides and fertilizers, heavy metals, and cancer-causing additives such as paraffin, dichlorvos, Sudan Red, sulphur, hormones, mercury and other unthinkable materials.

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