Missing my personal privacy

2010-02-26 11:48:14

By now, most of you are trying to recover from the excesses of the Chinese New Year holiday and are perhaps setting ambitious fitness goals to regain a slim waistline lost to a week of excessive eating, popping pills to get over a lingering cold brought on by the stress of travel or reeling from the utter loss of privacy and dignity suffered at the hands of visiting too many relatives.

How to turn dodgy houses into a legal enterprise

2010-02-25 11:46:52

The Pangu Plaza is renowned all over China, let alone in Beijing. It is said its rooftop courtyard houses are only for lease, not for sale, with rents as high as 1 million yuan per day. You can imagine their prices during the Beijing Olympics. The public has just known from the commission of urban planning that the courtyard houses couldn't be sold. But the project can now be traded legally with the administrative penalties.

Devil child is robbing me of heavenly sleep

2010-02-26 11:54:18

My upstairs neighbor's child is living proof that not all kids are harmless little angels - some are pure devils.

Holiday expenses useful in understanding social trends of '80s generation

2010-02-23 10:32:07

On the first working day after the Chinese Spring Festival, many Internet users posted their festival expenses in Web communities and forums.

University classroom is not a site of talk show

2010-02-10 10:18:05

At the end of each semester, students are asked to assess their teachers' performance. According to my observation, many students feel classroom teaching is dull and boring. They hope teachers can bring more fun and passion to the classroom. Strict teachers, no matter how well they excel in academic fields, have always received a low evaluation score.

It takes more than money to find true love

2010-02-10 10:14:52

As one of a vast number of single women in this city, I have been finding it difficult to locate my Mr Right. So last December, I registered with a matchmaking website that claims its customers are all millionaires.

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