Quotation of the day(April 27.2010)

2010-04-27 08:08:20

some netizens said to me,'Old man, why don't you move and live there?'My answer is:I had lived there when I designed the place. But I won't move in, because I don't belong to the less-fortunate migrant group

Appreciate modern architecture

2010-04-26 08:12:41

When I moved to Beijing in 2006, one of my best expatriate friends, an Irish attorney who came here in the late 1990s, informed me that once upon a time, the city had just one tall tower, the Capital Mansion north of Sanlitun. Now there are over 300 skyscrapers in the Central Business District alone. Beijing, it is often said, currently resembles a circus tent, with highrises ringing the dwindling number of low-slung courtyard houses in its inner core.

How fair is it to consume breakfast on the subway?

2010-04-26 08:12:41

As it grows warmer, more and more commuters will be taking breakfast with them to eat on the way to work. Crowded carriages will smell of meat, garlic and soy milk, and some passengers will be bothered. Is eating breakfast on the subway the sort of bad behavior that should be prohibited, like smoking?

Quotation of the day(April 26 2010)

2010-04-26 08:12:41

the sense  of security doesn't come from a house.It comes from your skills,or your core strength that differentiates you from other people.

5 ways to make yourself at home

2010-04-23 07:55:22

It's no secret that more and more foreigners with higher and higher qualifications are flocking to Beijing for career opportunities.

Tax on posh goods won't narrow the rich-poor gap

2010-04-23 07:55:22

China's market for luxury goods grew 12 percent in 2009, reaching $9.6 billion and accounting for 27.5 percent of the global market share, according to a recent report by Bain & Co, a management consulting firm.

Quotation of the day(April 23. 2010)

2010-04-23 07:55:22

We'll strive to make Chinese-made cars run all over the whole world, and not let the whole world's cars run over China

Ash won't cloud Beijing

2010-04-22 07:58:03

Just a week ago, the Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland erupted. A huge plume of ash was an unavoidable consequence. Much of Europe's airspace were closed.

Added hoops help hospitals jump ahead

2010-04-22 07:58:03

On my first day in London, I received the fabulous news that I could enjoy free healthcare during my stay in Britain. About one month later, I got the chance to experience the famous National Healthcare System (NHS) firsthand.

Quotation of the day(April 22,2010)

2010-04-22 07:58:03

Devote yourself to your specialized area and to real business.Don't look around. The reason is that the money earned from hard work is reliable.

Forget today, plan ahead now

2010-04-21 10:59:30

Perhaps you woke up this morning, looked in the mirror and thought, "Looking good!" and stepped out to meet the day with a spring in your step.

Do meat-free meals serve up a genuine low-carbon lifestyle?

2010-04-21 10:55:09

Recently, I saw a slogan on a subway billboard: "A low-carbon life means eating no meat." And in the company canteen, when I asked a colleague why she picked out all the meat in her meal, she answered, "This is a low-carbon life. You're out."