Quotation of the day May 11,2010

2010-05-11 07:59:53

It's a bad thing to use twitter,because it shows your foolishness.It's good thing to use twitter,because it lets you know clearly and immediately how foolish you can be

Compromise, key to marriage trap

2010-05-10 08:03:05

When I told my Chinese friends I was marrying a foreigner, two out of three friends advised against it.

Wealthy kids should learn lessons of life

2010-05-10 08:03:05

There are a variety of training programs targeting the wealthy second-generation in China; courses ranging from financial statement analysis, international trade and the performance of listed companies, to golf, horse riding, ballroom dancing and Sinology.

Quotation of the day May 10

2010-05-10 08:03:05

I did not expect the training would work like eating instant noodles.Our only hope is that the program will leave them impressions and allow them to understand how we Chinese think

Positive spin helps others

2010-05-07 08:02:35

Shadier folks in the news business follow the "if it bleeds it leads" credo.

Quotation of the day May 7,2010

2010-05-07 08:02:35

Mr Samaranch helped greatly with my personal development.People might have only known his support for my sports career, but he had been more concerned about how I planned my future

Steering clear of road rage

2010-05-06 08:07:36

"#$%^&," a taxi driver grumbles as he gestures toward a driver that just cut him off.

Still young at heart but years ahead

2010-05-06 08:07:36

Ever since I turned 20, my teenager cousin seems to have developed a problem with my age. "How old are you?" is the question she deliberately asks every time I meet her during the Spring Festival, and I could hear the stress on the word "old".

Quotation of the day May 6,2010

2010-05-06 08:07:36

To the public,my father was a scholar as esteemed as a natioanl treasure

Tackling the chronic traffic problem

2010-05-05 08:20:00

The latest studies done by Beijing-based Horizon Research Group paint a grim picture of the capital's weekday rush hour commute. Beijingers spent an average of 62.3 minutes every day in 2009 commuting in rush hour traffic, up 7.3 minutes from 2007 (without gridlocked traffic, the average commute would be about 40 minutes). This year Beijing had about five hours of daily congestion, compared with three and a half hours in 2008. Traffic jams cost residents an average of 335.6 yuan every year, more than any other large Chinese city.

Don't blame Shanghai for the locals

2010-05-05 08:20:00

Coming from Shanghai and currently working in Beijing, I often feel unjustly treated when I hear people speak ill of the Shanghainese, as I feel myself different from the stereotype.

Quotation of the day May 5,2010

2010-05-05 08:20:00

After the new policy is implemented,there is no doubt that 50 percent of prospective buyers will disappear.