Shocking deaths quickly fade from our memories

2010-06-03 07:56:37

About two years ago, someone I knew - let me refer to her as "G" - committed suicide. She jumped from the eighth floor of our university dorm building, ending her 22 years of life.

Never being grandparents is too much to handle

2010-06-02 07:55:41

After the May Day holiday, one of my friends, who was married two years ago, complained that she had once again been pressured by her parents and relatives to have a baby as soon as possible.

Hard sleepers offer cosy weekends away

2010-06-02 07:55:41

One of the main reasons why my family and friends are jealous of my life, living and working in Beijing, is the travel opportunities. There are endless natural wonders, historic sights and cultural activities to see on a weekend getaway.

Undercover at Foxconn shows workers 'numbed'

2010-06-02 07:55:41

My days spent undercover, pretending to be a manufacturing worker at Foxconn, were triggered by what was at the time nine suicide attempts in five months. Seven of the company's employees had died. By now, that number is up to 10.

Spoiled to death? Unlikely

2010-05-31 08:01:51

Exploited workers are right to expect better treatment

Strategy makes mass transit a moving and cheap experience

2010-05-31 08:01:51

I differ in many ways from most laowai living in Beijing, and one of them is my heavy reliance on public transportation.

Protect those seeking rights from being branded mad

2010-05-31 08:01:51

The Ministry of Public Security last week stressed that clinics should not hospitalize people without mental illness without examinations by and the approval of the public security departments. The announcement was made during a national work conference on mental health in Wuhan, Hubei province.

Zoo animals on menu in bad taste

2010-05-28 07:51:12

The Chinese people have a reputation of being able to eat anything - whether it walks, crawls or slithers. The only thing they won't eat with four legs are tables, and the only thing that flies they won't eat are airplanes, or so says an old Chinese saying.

Why do we all chase money?

2010-05-27 08:00:44

Why does everyone want to get rich? Ask the rich if they are happy when they buy things. They aren't, not for long. Ask them what they want, and they will answer, "Freedom." Now, I don't have money; I don't even have a car. But I do have freedom, for I ride a scooter.

Sour grapes for Beijing's wine drinkers

2010-05-27 08:00:44

Robert Louis Stevenson is often and fondly attributed to saying: "Wine is bottled poetry."

Overseas trips will cost plenty and teach little

2010-05-27 08:00:44

The Ministry of Education announced recently that it is organizing overseas study tours for 100 university presidents. Destinations include Japan, US, UK and Australia and each study session will last 24 days, with 21 spent overseas and three involved with domestic activities.

Orphans need stability, love

2010-05-26 07:49:30

Sometimes I read some very silly things in a newspaper. I read about how killers are always insane and never simply angry, how the male bra business is perking up, and recently how police were puzzled why a man was hiding in a well. Apparently, he also had mental problems.