Blind masseur rubbed me up the wrong way

2010-04-08 08:03:53

I like massages. I find them relaxing and a great form of relief for the lower back pain I occasionally suffer from.

Confessions of a gossip monger

2010-04-08 08:03:53

Thanks to the weeklong Spring Festival vacation, when even the most dedicated workaholics stayed at home with their families, I came to realize one thing I can't live without - juicy, but stupid celebrity gossip magazines.

Quotation of the day

2010-04-08 08:03:53

Material desires can't trump true love in capital

2010-04-07 08:11:08

On What's wrong with renting?

April is the kindest month

2010-04-07 08:11:08

T . S. Eliot's bleak poetic meditation on modernity, The Wasteland, begins by flatly stating "April is the cruelest month." Eliot clearly never visited Beijing during April.

Meatless dining in Beijing

2010-04-07 08:11:08

Great food is a hallmark of a great civilization and China is no exception. The many fine restaurants in Beijing are testament to the broad array of culinary pleasures on offer in the country. Hungry Beijingers can happily feast on juicy lamb kebabs, spicy kongpao chicken, beef noodles, Peking roast duck, fresh seafood and an endless variety of pork dishes. Eating in Beijing is an adventure for the taste buds.

Quotation of the day

2010-04-07 08:11:08

Time to catch up on the ball field

2010-04-06 08:08:57

Umpires barked "batter up!" and box scores rolled in. Luminaries tossed ceremonial first pitches as professional baseball's opening day, an American ritual, got under way Monday.

Graduate course for women a game for the rich

2010-04-06 08:08:57

A graduate course for women offered by a university in Beijing claims to be able to turn its students into "virtuous and caring wives, excellent leaders at work, filial children for parents and elegant beauties in social activities" and all in just 24 days.

Quotation of the day

2010-04-06 08:08:57

Doctors take advantage of life or death decisions

2010-04-02 07:30:59

When a salesman is trying to sell you something, he often tells you how much better your life will be if you buy it. When a doctor is trying to sell you something, the usual line is: how much your life will be destroyed, if you don't. It's the most effective selling strategy I've ever seen. After all, it is your life in his hand.

Privileged expats lead an alien life

2010-04-02 07:30:59

When I was a reporter in Boston, I covered the city's exploding population of immigrants from Latin America. My articles centered on their lives there and how they did, or did not, coalesce with the local population.