Beijingers fight the law, but who wins?

2010-07-20 07:48:57

From the scandalous and serious to the downright silly, there's been a massive increasing in the number of Beijingers flexing their legal liberties to solve domestic issues.

Nothing quite like a Beijing morning

2010-07-20 07:48:57

In today's fast-paced society, it is considered a luxury to stop and take in the sights, sounds and movement of our surroundings.

Taking breaks is better than pretending to be busy

2010-07-19 08:05:07

Weeks ago a department manager complained to me that newcomers in his company disappear too long at lunch break. The break was until 1 pm, but quite often these "blockheads" didn't show up again until 1:30 pm.

Is there really a property bubble?

2010-07-19 08:05:07

Soaring residential real estate prices have convinced many that Beijing has a property bubble. That would be good news for first-time homebuyers frozen out of the market by high housing costs. After the US and Japanese real estate bubbles popped, property asset prices plunged, making housing more affordable.

Time to give the elbow to this kind of giving

2010-07-19 08:05:07

A survey conducted by China Youth Daily throughout 31 provinces and municipalities found that some 94.8 percent of respondents had made donations to charitable projects.

Smoking the bad folks out

2010-07-16 09:24:05

Let me paint a picture for you, a typical scene you might see on any Chinese street. There's a guy with a smoldering cigarette in his mouth.

Caretaker competition could spark public panda-monium

2010-07-16 09:21:29

The people who run the Chengdu panda base in Sichuan province have had a great idea.

Get a second look at Beijing and fall in love

2010-07-15 10:33:40

Once upon a time, when mobile phones were rare, I made my first landing in Beijing and was not sure what I would find. I had imagined rice fields, Kungfu warriors and millions on bicycles.

Zen and the art of cycling in capital

2010-07-15 10:33:13

My first experience on a bicycle in Beijing was not a moment of Zen. As I pedaled by Tiananmen toward Houhai, I found myself shoved over by bikes pulling carts, honked at by impatient drivers, and was nearly sandwiched between two buses at one point.

'Idyllic Beidaihe' fails to live up to expectations

2010-07-15 10:27:11

Beidaihe receives a somewhat lacklustre review in one of the more trusted travel guides, which describes its seafront as being comprised of "garish modern" properties with beaches "packed with hawkers and holiday-makers" in summer.

Will China be the next major market for sports collectibles?

2010-07-14 09:54:07

With the World Cup just ended and Beijing bars still full of Ronaldo, Maradona and Landon Donovan jerseys, sports merchandisers and marketers are blowing their own vuvuzelas in celebration of the growing Chinese consumer market.

Hot days subsidy is impractical solution for our sweaty workers

2010-07-13 10:08:10

Beijingers had a reason to complain about the heat last Monday; at 5.00 pm the thermometer hit 40.6 degrees Celsius, the hottest temperature for this time of the year since 1951, according to the National Meteorological Center.