Discrimination at hands of male managers rife in capital

2010-07-26 15:54:36

My friend, a postgraduate student who studied human resources at a prestigious university, recently told me the tragic story of 'E', a classmate of hers.

Discrimination at hands of male managers rife in capital

2010-07-26 08:17:48

My friend, a postgraduate student who studied human resources at a prestigious university, recently told me the tragic story of 'E', a classmate of hers.

Tianjin's eco-city is a model for Beijing

2010-07-26 08:17:48

Despite being one of China's four provincial level cities, Tianjin has always been in Beijing's shadow. Residents of the capital often look down upon their neighbor city, viewing it as a hick town. Indeed, my Chinese friends in Beijing often say that Tianjin is the Middle Kingdom's "biggest village".

Why women miss their chance with Mr Right

2010-07-23 11:18:43

If you have checked off all four, chances are you are upward of 30 years old and spending too many nights on the sofa watching Sex and the City reruns and eating ice cream - alone.

The onus of plagiarism is on the individuals

2010-07-23 11:13:05

Plagiarism is a dirty word in academic circles and generates quite a lot of discussion on campuses.

An apple a day helps keep creative minds at play

2010-07-22 07:53:32

The Western media had it wrong when they called the opening of China's second Apple Inc store this month just another new attraction for the country's wealthy classes.

Learn Chinese and learn to get ahead

2010-07-22 07:53:32

One of the more popular debates in the UK at the moment is immigration. A direct comparison with China is irrelevant as there is considerable contrast between those coming to Britain and those arriving in Beijing from outside China. There is a big difference not only in their relative wealth, but also on their relative impacts on public services and the job market.

Gas and water leaks in CBD area reveal public safety issues

2010-07-22 07:53:32

On Monday, the water and gas pipelines near the Guomao Bridge broke at the same time, flooding the road, disrupting traffic and cutting water supplies to about 600 households for hours.

The short march to my Chinese driver's license

2010-07-21 07:58:09

On the outskirts of Beijing sits the Motor Vehicle Administration department, located at the east Fourth Ring Road, near the southwestern edge of the Shibalidian South Bridge. It's a place most foreigners never visit, unless they want a Chinese driver's license.

Pollution puts brakes on pedal power

2010-07-21 07:58:09

Flat as a mahjong board, the guide book begins, "Beijing is perfect for cycling." I'd like to respectfully disagree.

Beijing grass always greener underfoot

2010-07-21 07:58:09

Beijing grass always greener underfoot

Here come the chengguan

2010-07-20 07:48:57

The soft summer breeze stirred the cool night air as I walked to a bus stop near the west gate of Renmin University. I had a sense of contentment that gave way to a sudden urge to buy some fruit from a street vendor.