Beware of greedy glare of Village scene

2010-05-04 08:08:20

There's been quite a bit of hand-wringing over the decline and fall of the Nanluoguxiang scene. It's a pity, but so are death and taxes, and all three are equally inevitable. The half-life of a city hot spot lasts at most two years, and Nanluoguxiang is well past its 2006-08 heyday. In any event, the passing of Nanluoguxiang bodes no lasting harm to Beijing's cultural identity.

Apologies, tips on auto attack

2010-05-04 08:08:20

On A kick that kicked back Imagine the pedestrian is your mother

Quotation of the day May 4,2010

2010-05-04 08:08:20

Why is Wal-mart doing worse than Carrefour in Beijing? The answer is simple:because it doesn't understand its customers.

With due respect to the 'elderly'

2010-04-30 08:08:59

Beijing has made me old - or should I say, elderly. And I'm not upset at all. Indeed, if anything, I feel a bit chuffed about it, especially in crowded buses and on subways.

Classic remakes should respect original versions

2010-04-30 08:08:59

Wang Kun, a famous Chinese folk singer said that she hates the Chinese folk singers who perform in the kind of gowns worn by French ladies. My parents, who are both fans of this great singer especially popular in their generation, also expressed similar opinions concerning the evaluation of some currently popular folk song singers.

Quotation of the day April 30,2010

2010-04-30 08:08:59

We may be strangers but we can help each other.And when psychiatric assistance becomes a business, its quality and effectiveness will be greatly enhanced

Say goodbye to government-paid medical coverage

2010-04-29 08:02:25

By the end of this year, 450, 000 public servants in Beijing will switch from government-paid medical care to basic employees' health insurance. The medical subsidies provided by local government offices will ensure they enjoy no less favorable treatment than before.

Why are locals fleeing Beijing?

2010-04-28 08:02:29

An online post by a Beijinger, who is about to move his family out of the city because of the high house prices, has struck a chord with the public and aroused much sympathy.

Prof Tao will always lose to Fan Bingbing

2010-04-28 08:02:29

Professor Tao Hongkai, a noted critic of online games, has recently become a laughing stock.

Quotation of the day (April 28.2010)

2010-04-28 08:02:29

If the temperature rises by 2 degrees Celsius,the nationwide number of rape cases will increase by 1 percent

By lingo! Speak local, please

2010-04-27 08:08:20

I visited a friend last week who works for a Chinese company. While I was there, her Chinese colleagues were doing various tasks around her. And they were all speaking Mandarin.

Don't be scared to turn a hobby into a business

2010-04-27 08:08:20

My friend Felix, an electronics engineer, is fanatical about action figures. Scale models of soldiers and tanks and movie figures always demand his full attention. However, as he soon discovered, it is a very expensive hobby, and as the crowd of figures in his apartment grew the money he had available to spend on his hobby shrank.