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China Daily Website

  • NY fashion show to sell coveted runway tickets

    2010-08-12 09:00

    Coveted invitations to New York's Fashion Week will be a little easier to snag next month, with the unveiling of a public runway show designed to inspire shoppers to add to their wardrobes for fall and winter.

  • Making the smart move

    2010-08-11 09:33

    There have been several articles in print and on the Internet that imply that some young people are being forced to leave Beijing as if they were failures.

  • Kings of the road must yield

    2010-08-11 09:33

    According to the recent IBM Global Commuter Pain Study, Beijing ranks joint equal with Mexico City when it comes to the world's worst traffic, closely followed by Johannesburg, Moscow and New Delhi.

  • Sinking our teeth into local experiences

    2010-08-11 09:31

    "You are so brave," the dentist exclaims over and over again, tapping Michael's shoulder, until my husband explodes and lets her know that he is not indeed brave and that he wants an injection.

  • Body of water

    2010-08-11 09:29

    For Lin Ze'an, dancing cultivates the mind and the body, and his willingness to take risks and express himself has made him stand out among other more technically accomplished dancers.

  • Cultural inheritor

    2010-08-11 09:21

    Ji Yunfei had been painting the Three Gorges Dam for a few years before he actually visited the area.

  • Europeans opt for sun and sangria retirement

    2010-08-11 08:56

    Sun, sea and sangria come top of the list for European pensioners seeking to relocate for retirement, a new survey showed on Tuesday.

  • Who are the real prudes?

    2010-08-10 09:22

    Call me a prude if you will, but there is something odd and unnerving about contraception pills being sold over the counter.

  • Sky-high prices push foreigners to suburbs

    2010-08-10 09:21

    A small community of expatriates has emerged in Beijing's growing northern suburbs attracted by low rents and spacious apartments.

  • Trying to stay afloat in a pool of clinging spandex

    2010-08-10 09:19

    There is no doubt that swimming can cause its fair share of thrills and dangers, but I never thought that I would say that of a swimsuit.

  • Taking a walk on the wild side

    2010-08-10 09:17

    As Ellen wheeled her bike out the door, on her way to work, she stopped and asked, "Stu, why don't you ride a bike?"

  • Modern Etiquette: Holidaying in polite style

    2010-08-10 08:55

    With the holiday season well underway, a trip abroad is on the cards for most of us. Lazy days, balmy temperatures and the relaxed pace of a break away, however, can often cause us to forget our manners.
