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China Daily Website

  • Competition for a mate shortens men's lives

    2010-08-10 08:55

    Men who face plenty of competition to find a mate have slightly shorter lives than those who don't.

  • Oxford dictionary shuns not so "faboosh" words

    2010-08-10 08:54

    Are you a tanorexic partial to a bit of flashpacking, but hate your cankles?

  • Getting fit in midlife, better late than never

    2010-08-10 08:54

    Exercising in your 40's, 50's and 60's is like saving for your retirement, experts say.

  • Woman faked cancer for cash, Disney trip?

    2010-08-10 08:46

    A woman in the Toronto area has admitted to faking cancer, running a bogus charity and collecting thousands of dollars from people who thought she was dying, a Toronto newspaper reported.

  • China's film ambitions

    2010-08-09 10:04

    Last year when I was preparing for a new edition of my book Hollywood Politics and Economics, I not only updated the data, but made a major change in tone on Chinese cinema.

  • 3-D phones, without the glasses

    2010-08-09 10:36

    Smartphones are getting smarter. Now some new models even offer games or television broadcasts in three dimensions - and you don't need special glasses to see the show.

  • Drive to wall ruined by pit stop

    2010-08-09 09:44

    For anyone visiting Beijing, a trip to the Great Wall is almost mandatory, and I had not been there.

  • Adventure travel going mainstream: study

    2010-08-09 09:22

    Adventure tourism, long considered the milieu of a small group of dare devils, is becoming more mainstream, with tourists more likely to rappel down mountains, cycle or volunteer while on vacation.

  • Travel Picks: 10 top hot spots for celebrities

    2010-08-09 09:21

    Not all beaches are created equal. Some glamorous shorelines get a little more love from entertainment royalty than others, so check out the list of which hot spots attract the world's most scintillating stars, and add them to your travel agenda this summer.

  • Pets on holiday: flying luggage, pampered guests

    2010-08-09 09:20

    Airlines may charge a small fortune to transport animals in noisy cargo holds, but pets vacationing with their owners are finding that when they deplane, there's a room with a treat waiting for them.

  • Austerity-hit Greeks dance for world record

    2010-08-09 09:07

    More than 150,000 people held hands and danced on the Greek island of Crete Saturday to try to set a world record and dispel the gloom of economic austerity.

  • Food reviews:Creative fare

    2010-08-07 07:26

    Creative fare
