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  • Dog people, and now a 'dog-oir'

    2010-11-05 09:15

    There are dog people, there are people who read dog books and there are people who write dog books. (Many of them.)

  • How long is it reasonable to stand in line?

    2010-11-05 09:08

    A nation renowned for the art of queuing may be losing its patience, a survey has shown, with the average British adult able to stand in line for only 10 minutes and 42 seconds before tempers start to fray.

  • Cold bites but new habits keep away the chills

    2010-11-04 09:28

    I had never seen snow before I was 17, when I went to school for a year in the US Midwest.

  • Cruising down the Yangtze River

    2010-11-04 09:21

    It's a changed landscape along the banks of the Yangtze, raised 100 meters in some sections after the Three Gorges Dam started operating. Freddie Cheah looks at the new views.

  • Management Tip of the Day: Kill more good ideas

    2010-11-04 09:10

    To come up with a few good ideas, you need to generate a lot of bad ones. And to give your good ideas a chance of reaching their full potential, you need to do some serious pruning.

  • Smile and the world will see a younger you

    2010-11-03 09:54

    Workouts for problem zones have long been a fixture in the courses offered at fitness studios.

  • Enlightenment the cure for lightheadedness

    2010-11-03 09:36

    How often have you said that you were "feeling quite lightheaded" without giving it a further thought? Well, for some people the problem of dizzy spells or lightheadedness is caused by a psychological condition that over time can become unbearable.

  • Cold weather can't freeze seat scramble

    2010-11-03 09:32

    Early in the morning, when silence and darkness still reign over the campus, a long line has already formed before the entrances of the library.

  • Face of hope

    2010-11-03 09:24

    A school whose roof was once patched up with cardboard is now a three-story building outfitted with Internet-enabled computers, a canteen and dormitories.

  • Making a fine impression

    2010-11-03 09:21

    Chinese collectors with deep pockets are increasingly looking at Impressionist and Modern Art.

  • Battling back against the cold in nine ways

    2010-11-02 10:11

    The weather might be uncharacteristically warm for November but anyone who has lived in Beijing for more than a year knows it won't last for long.

  • Those who fear tattoos are missing the point

    2010-11-02 09:57

    When I was growing up in America, I had a reoccurring dream about being kidnapped by a heavily tattooed man with a mustache.
