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China Daily Website

  • At leading edge of new materials

    2010-08-27 11:08

    The city of Zibo is pushing development of the sector that is expected to generate 100 billion yuan in sales revenues this year.

  • No business like showbiz, when it comes to love

    2010-08-27 11:04

    Two of the hottest stars in Chinese movies have joined action hero Donnie Yen in the wilds of Yunnan province for the martial arts vehicle Wu Xia.

  • LSO coming to Beijing

    2010-08-27 11:02

    The London Symphony Orchestra (LSO) is coming to China once again with a concert at Beijing's Poly Theater on Sept 12.

  • Beauty and the pavilion

    2010-08-27 11:00

    Beauty queens from all over China are serving as guides at various pavilions, Wang Hongyi reports.

  • While my guitar gently speaks

    2010-08-27 09:36

    Singer-songwriter Li Jian says nothing about him has changed despite his recent surge in popularity, thanks to Faye Wong. Chen Nan reports

  • An emperor with a woman's touch

    2010-08-27 09:34

    In China's 5,000 years of recorded history only one woman has officially held the title "emperor",known as Wu Zetian.

  • Looking back into the future

    2010-08-27 09:33

    It used to be thought that oracle bones were from dragons and as a result were ground up and sold at apothecaries for their supposed medicinal properties.

  • Taiwan film "Monga" to compete for Oscar

    2010-08-26 17:45

    The Taiwan film "Monga" has applied to compete for the Best Foreign Language Film title at the 83rd Oscar Awards next February.

  • Top 10 best countries in world: Newsweek

    2010-08-26 17:45

    U.S. has ranked a list of top 100 best countries based on five categories: Education, Health, Quality of Life, Economic Dynamism and Political Environment.

  • Recognition steeped in tradition

    2010-08-26 10:28

    Wang Lao Ji won recognition from more than 1,700 scientists attending the 15th Summit of International Food Science and Technology.

  • Intangible culture expo in Jinan

    2010-08-26 10:21

    The first China Intangible Cultural Heritage Expo will run from Oct 15-18 in Jinan, capital of Shandong province.

  • Hutong days court my desires to live local life

    2010-08-26 10:18

    Why would any visitor to Beijing stay in a hotel when they can stay in a hutong?
