"The memories of a cup of coffee are good for 40 years." This Turkish saying refers to the practice of reading coffee cups to predict a person's future.
Transportation was unexpectedly smooth and I arrived at the meeting half an hour before time.
The 13th Beijing Music Festival will celebrate a genre that is well known but little understood in China.
It's noon and the sun shines brightly into a yard surrounded by low brick walls.
Returning from the glorious rolling countryside surrounding my home in Britain, the distinct lack of greenery in Beijing can be depressing for me.
Avant-garde designers from 15 countries take fashion's most iconic garment, the T-shirt, and give it new meaning.
"Liberation shoes" are making a comeback in their homeland after becoming a fashion must-have abroad.
For a Missouri man, luck comes in pairs.
A leader who pushes a change agenda too hard risks building resistance and resentment, or even alienating his people.
Britons in their late 30s and early 40s are unhappier than any other age group, suffering from loneliness and depression as work and relationship pressures take their toll, according to a survey on Wednesday.
"The Good Wife" is getting a gay brother; new teen TV show "Hellcats" features a lesbian cheerleader; and as for "True Blood" -- TV watchers now need two hands to count the vampires who will suck the blood of either gender.
Like most people who work in a big city, my typical crazed daily itinerary really leaves little time for the kitchen.