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  • Complex flavors from award-winning stable

    2010-08-07 07:26

    Box Stallion is one of the prettiest and most unusual vineyards on Australia's Mornington Peninsula region. It has probably the widest range of wine varieties in the region, and all of the wines suit Chinese food.

  • Children's art festival

    2010-08-07 07:26

    Over 400 primary school students, teachers, composers, and performing artists gathered at Wudang Mountain last week for the Fourth China Children's Health and Arts Festival.

  • Sicilian spirit

    2010-08-07 07:26

    This season Dolce & Gabbana celebrated the 20th anniversary of their menswear line with an exhibition at their home in Milan.

  • Disaster a box office success

    2010-08-07 17:14

    Director Feng Xiaogang's Aftershock has been a box office success and moved viewers to tears but it has had mixed reviews. The movie focuses on a family during and after the 1976 Tangshan earthquake in Hebei province that claimed 240,000 lives.

  • Jia Zhangke given lifetime honor at Swiss Film Fest

    2010-08-06 15:17

    Chinese filmmaker Jia Zhangke has received a lifetime achievement honor from the Locarno International Film Festival in Switzerland.

  • Women find men in red more appealing?

    2010-08-06 09:03

    Men wanting to catch the eye of women should dress in red, a color which new research shows makes them more alluring to the opposite sex.

  • Facebook and other social media cost UK billions

    2010-08-06 09:02

    Employees who fritter time away on Facebook, Twitter and other social media Web sites are costing British businesses billions, new research suggests.

  • British X-Files describe secret UFO encounters

    2010-08-06 09:02

    Britain released hundreds of previously secret "UFO files" on Thursday including a letter saying that Winston Churchill had ordered a 50 year cover-up of a wartime encounter between a UFO and military pilot.

  • Time to evict the renter

    2010-08-05 10:00

    The story remains the same, only the names of the heartbroken have changed. "Lee" and "May" have been dating for more than five years.

  • Enjoying cycle lanes free of cars

    2010-08-05 09:52

    While stuck in a traffic jam at Chang'an Avenue, immobile and frustrated, I had the tearful realization that, Beijingers have outgrown their bicycles.

  • Nothing speaks of home quite like language

    2010-08-05 10:08

    Living in Beijing, I don't usually come into contact with the Cantonese language, except when a Hong Kong magazine is thrown in my lap at the nail salon or Canto-pop drifts into my open window from a karaoke-equipped restaurant downstairs.

  • Fighting HIV/AIDS prejudice

    2010-08-05 09:51

    China Youth Network member Zhang Yinxian was chosen to present an exhibition and drama on discrimination and the stigma of HIV/AIDS in China at the 18th International AIDS Conference in Vienna last month.
