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China Daily Website

  • Heavenly temples many may overlook

    2010-10-11 09:36

    Beijing once had thousands of temples, more than any other city in Asia.

  • Enjoying Beijing at its finest

    2010-10-11 09:36

    October is perhaps the most glorious month in Beijing. Beijingers will half-jokingly tell you there are only two season in the capital - the smoggy, sweltering summer and the dry, bitterly cold winter.

  • Two-Wheel retro chic

    2010-10-11 09:19

    A household name from a past era is preparing for a style renaissance on wheels. Gan Tian tells us more about the new branding and the brains behind the revival.

  • In multilingual Switzerland, a dialect struggles

    2010-10-11 09:09

    The people of this corner of Switzerland are arguing whether language is a matter of the heart or the pocketbook.

  • When the boss is a robot

    2010-10-11 09:00

    'Telepresence' enters the workplace but sets off alarms.

  • Women with power? Obama tops Forbes list

    2010-10-11 08:57

    US first lady Michelle Obama beat out heads of state, chief executives and celebrities to rank as the world's most powerful woman in Forbes magazine's annual listing last week.

  • Autumn's fat crabs inspire us

    2010-10-09 09:08

    Lake crabs, river crabs, salt-water crabs? They are getting prime space at the seafood stalls right now.

  • Talking business, in both Turkish and Chinese

    2010-10-09 09:03

    Sadi Kaymaz knows that money talks, and it has a lot to say in both his host country, China, and his homeland, Turkey.

  • Harmony in movement

    2010-10-09 09:02

    A childhood fascination with Bruce Lee movies leaves an Italian as comfortable with martial arts as with piano music.

  • An expiration date for your digital past?

    2010-10-08 09:47

    The Internet never forgets: Whether it's an embarrassing party photo or an unfortunate comment on a blog - once it hits the Web, it's hard to get it back.

  • Anonymous surfing can be trial of patience

    2010-10-08 09:47

    When you travel about the Internet, you end up leaving behind traces. And that includes more than just user comments in forums or online networks.

  • Puzzling after all these years

    2010-10-08 09:47

    The Rubik's Cube challenges a new generation of "speedcubers?three decades after its invention, Johannes Wagemann reports
