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  • Tourist treat - famous toilets

    2010-09-06 08:46

    For tourists tired of traditional sightseeing tours, one Berlin tour guide is offering something altogether different: a tour of Berlin's public conveniences.

  • Buenos dias, Buenos Aires

    2010-09-05 10:10

    It's the colorful capital of Argentina and it lives up to its nickname, "Paris of the South".Wang Ru spends a day exploring the charms of the second-largest city in South America.

  • In death of Mozart, a chorus of causes

    2010-09-05 10:04

    Direct medical evidence? None. Autopsy?Not performed. Medical records? Corpse?Disappeared.

  • Brains rescued for posterity

    2010-09-05 09:59

    Two floors below the main level of Yale University's medical school library is a room full of brains.

  • Royal family needs more than a storybook wedding

    2010-09-05 09:57

    Two dozen members of an association to abolish the monarchy were settled around a table in a spacious apartment in Stockholm when someone in the back of the room muttered, "Two hundred years since the French Revolution,and still we have a king."

  • In Andes, knotty Inca mystery endures

    2010-09-05 09:57

    This Andean village's isolation 4,000 meters above sea has allowed it to guard an enduring archaeological mystery: a collection of khipus, the cryptic woven knots that may explain how the Incas - in contrast to contemporaries in the Ottoman Empire and China's Ming dynasty - ruled a vast, administratively complex empire without a written language.

  • Fame's fall from grace

    2010-09-05 09:57

    Are fame's own 15 minutes up?

  • Brush with destiny

    2010-09-05 09:28

    Capital's premier art district is attracting hordes of painters from far-flung provinces who hope to make it big in nation's red hot art scene, Cai Xiao reports

  • A rocky road to tranquility

    2010-09-03 09:53

    Caishiji Scenic Park is a place that inspired poets, Tang Zhihao reports.

  • Where diplomacy is the art of paper-cuts

    2010-09-03 09:39

    You would be forgiven for mistaking an image of US President Barack Obama in Guangling for a photograph.

  • Mt Wutai: A spot for spiritual solace

    2010-09-03 09:37

    Mount Wutai is not for casual tourists who are willing to spend just a few hours there before rushing to the next county for more photo opportunities.

  • God did not create the universe, says Hawking

    2010-09-03 09:22

    God did not create the universe and the "Big Bang" was an inevitable consequence of the laws of physics, the eminent British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking argues in a new book.
