Advice to representatives

2011-03-07 08:06:13

The NPC delegates and CPPCC National Committee members have to become the link that bounds the government with the people, and help the public realize their hopes, says an article in People's Daily.

Call for face-to-face interaction

2011-03-07 08:06:13

To better understand and solve people's problems, the NPC delegates and CPPCC National Committee members should interact with the grassroots in person, says an article in Beijing Times.

Address migrant workers' hukou issue

2011-03-07 08:06:13

It is an issue the government should address sooner or later. At 150 million strong, the migrant workers will continue to play a vital role in China's future.

Debate: Property tax

2011-03-07 08:06:13

One month after Shanghai and Chongqing launched a pilot property tax project, a heated public debate is raging on whether such a tax should be introduced throughout the country. Two scholars differ in views.

Equal rights for migrants

2011-03-04 07:45:54

Laborers from rural areas should receive same pay for same work and have access to same services as urban counterparts.

Retail giants square up for rich pickings in China

2011-03-04 10:24:20

Take a walk around one of Beijing's neighborhoods and you're more than likely to see a Walmart and a Carrefour, as well as many other hypermarket chains from around the world.

Flaws in yuan's one-way flow

2011-03-04 10:24:33

The Chinese government is considering allowing foreign businesses to invest in non-financial sectors in China using the yuan, according to recent media reports.

Hot spots move to smaller cities

2011-03-04 10:24:20

China's retail industry has grown rapidly during the past several years.

How to combat water scarcity in China

2011-03-03 07:44:06

Water is even scarcer in the western parts of China, which has few water sources to meet people's demands.

Climate change challenge

2011-03-03 07:44:06

Cancun progress on second commitment period and global emission cuts should be furthered at Durban.

How to attract more global tourists

2011-03-02 07:43:47

What about China's international tourism industry?

Real needs of housing market

2011-03-02 07:43:47

Consequently, up to 17 cities have promulgated restriction orders for homebuyers. The most stringent requirements are that of the Beijing municipal government.