Fight against terrorism

2011-08-02 07:53:17

A preliminary probe found that the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM) was behind the explosion at the weekend.

Breaking Libyan deadlock

2011-08-02 07:53:17

It is no surprise that NATO, after five months of military intervention in Libya, has finally agreed to embark on a political solution to the crisis.


2011-08-02 07:53:17


Debate: US debt ceiling

2011-08-01 08:20:11

What lies in store for the rest of the world as rival US politicians fight over raising the federal government's debt ceiling?

CPI is 'high on the hog'

2011-08-01 08:20:11

Inflation may peak soon, but complacency would be risky as economic problems are more structural than cyclical.

Let's not over-interpret

2011-08-01 08:20:11

The progress China has made in science and technology over the past three decades is clear for all to see.

Warnings for smokers

2011-08-01 08:20:11

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is on the right track when it announced that cigarette warnings will be introduced this year on all cigarette packs.

Terror scare

2011-08-01 08:20:11

Defense policy still defensive

2011-07-29 07:49:07

The launch of the refitted aircraft carrier does not mean China will change its defensive national defense policy, says an editorial in the People's Liberation Army Daily.

Another road to prosperity

2011-07-29 07:49:07

Cameron's sermon to Africa another example of Western countries trying to belittle China's achievements.

Debate: High-speed trains

2011-07-29 07:49:07

Should China halt or slow down the expansion of its bullet train network after the July 23 accident in Wenzhou, Zhejiang province?

Sense of crisis may lead to faster progress

2011-07-29 07:49:07

Many Americans fear that the United States is losing its competitive edge in the world. The deterioration of education in the US only adds to this sense of crisis.