Manufacturing home and away

2011-07-07 07:58:42

Despite its status as the world's largest source of FDI, the US' direct investment in China keeps declining.

US apology to Chinese overdue

2011-07-07 07:58:42

US have called upon both houses of Congress to make an official statement of regret for the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act and related legislation.

How to resolve the South China Sea issue

2011-07-07 07:58:42

China has been making continuous efforts to defuse the tension over the South China Sea issue.

Missile defense system

2011-07-07 07:58:42


2011-07-06 07:47:54

Weight of high expectations

2011-07-06 07:45:23

Gary Locke as ambassador will be under double-edged pressure to build bridges between the US and China.

Widening the road of peaceful progress

2011-07-06 07:45:23

Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) naval fleet conducted a regular training drill in the western Pacific Ocean recently.

Fostering financial inclusion

2011-07-06 07:45:23

Inclusive growth, or shared growth, is supposed to allow people to equitably share the benefits of economic development.

Heavy rain

2011-07-05 07:53:56

High import tariffs

2011-07-05 07:53:56

A clash of opinions over the need to cut import duties on luxury goods has broken out between financial officials and commercial policymakers.

Troops out but military remains

2011-07-05 07:53:56

The troop withdrawal plan is a political compromise that tries to appease both the domestic anti-war sentiment and the concerns of the military.

Can bankers learn from ants?

2011-07-05 07:53:56

There is a new wave of fresh thinking among Chinese scholars and strategists on how development can be truly scientific.