City at boiling point

2011-08-11 07:46:15

The riots in London offer food for thought not just for the UK but also for other developed countries.

Time to get tough

2011-08-11 07:46:15

The oil leaks in Bohai Bay have now lasted for two months.


2011-08-11 07:46:15



2011-08-10 07:56:56

Conditions make it hard to talk

2011-08-10 07:56:56

Unrealistic demands of the US and its allied nations will further delay resumption of Six-Party Talks for Peninsula.

Dilemma over dollar reserves

2011-08-10 07:56:56

Of the $3.2 trillion in reserves managed by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, about $1.1 trillion are in US Treasuries.

No time for complacency

2011-08-10 07:56:56

As the world's second largest economy, China will have no chance of maintaining its growth momentum amid a global recession.

Africa cries for help

2011-08-10 07:56:56

The international community, especially developed countries, has failed to engage with Africa in meaningful ways.

Global stock market

2011-08-09 07:46:12

Global stock market

Transparent need for change

2011-08-09 07:46:12

Chinese people have cherished sympathy and concern for others as basic virtues for a long time.

One world, one healthy sports dream

2011-08-09 07:46:12

Three years ago, I sat in Beijing National Stadium (Bird's Nest) and witnessed one of the most spectacular staged events in recent history.

Face up to debt woes

2011-08-09 07:46:12

What a pity that merely three years after the collapse of Lehman Brothers the world has once again been brought back to the same place, but this time with less choices.