Charity in search of elusive glasnost

2011-07-05 07:53:56

In recent months, a series of scandals involving charity organizations have undermined public confidence in philanthropy.

No political preconditions for Africa

2011-07-04 07:49:04

As Sino-African relations continue to deepen, the US has been trying to find some "negative factors" in China's Africa policies.

Debate: Chinese film

2011-07-04 07:49:04

Can Chinese movies take on the challenge of Hollywood productions at home, create a niche in overseas markets?

Libya at the crossroads

2011-07-04 07:49:04

After 100 days of air strikes in Libya, the NATO alliance is showing signs of fatigue and discord with no end.

Hard landing

2011-07-04 07:49:04

Hard landing

The uncertainties of cyberspace

2011-07-02 07:53:14

The two new strategies and the speeches on Internet freedom by US State Secretary Hillary Clinton have created a serious challenge.

Meet challenges bravely

2011-07-02 07:53:14

There was no lack of words of praise in Communist Party of China General Secretary Hu Jintao's speech commemorating the Party's 90th birthday.

Ignore not media's role

2011-07-02 07:53:14

Officials rarely used to criticize the media in the country, for they knew journalists played a constructive role in society. But times seem to have changed.

Lagarde’s IMF challenges

2011-07-02 07:53:14

'Save and Grow' approach to agriculture

2011-07-01 08:01:40

Given the challenges to our food supply, sustainable intensification of agricultural production is emerging as a major priority.

New China-Europe era

2011-07-01 08:01:40

Wen's European tour signals that China-EU relations have entered a new development period, though some contentious issues remain.

D-day for social security

2011-07-01 08:01:40

On July 1, China's Social Insurance Law will come into force. The UK passed its first National Insurance Act 100 years ago and the US started issuing social security numbers 75 years ago. Will China's law have the same momentous impact or will it prove to be a false dawn?