
From Chinese Press

Advice to representatives

Updated: 2011-03-07 08:06

(China Daily)

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National People's Congress (NPC) delegates and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee members, now in Beijing for their annual sessions, should make serious efforts to meet people's expectations. They have to become the link that bounds the government with the people, and help the public realize their hopes, says an article in People's Daily. Excerpts:

It is important that NPC delegates and CPPCC National Committee members perform their duties, participate in and discuss national affairs and put forward good proposals. But they should also cooperate with the media to inform the public about their work and accept the media's supervision.

At previous annual sessions, some people's representatives were wary of the media, fearing news reports would have a negative impact. But NPC delegates and CPPCC National Committee members are obliged to give interviews to journalists and honor the public's right to know about their work and performance.

At the past few NPC and CPPCC annual sessions some comments by delegates and members have been different on the same subject. Many might have been shocked by that but it is better than the silence of the dead and should be encouraged to promote free expression that gives life to discussions and manifests China's progress in democracy.

The two annual sessions provide a democratic platform for open dialogue, where the opinion of every NPC delegate and CPPCC National Committee member is valued and respected.

The media, on its part, should report such views keeping in mind the overall perspective of the views and discussions. Most of the time, the media seem to play up suggestions with novelty value, which weakens the performance of NPC delegates and CPPCC National Committee members. We are for media supervision but against moves that don't have people's backing. The media have the right to criticize improper comments by NPC delegates and CPPCC National Committee members and raise the level of their higher requirements, but they should not make mountains out of molehills. Therefore, the delegates and members, as well as the media have to improve their performance.

(China Daily 03/07/2011 page10)


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