Pediatric crisis a growing concern

2011-02-24 07:38:01

The parents of 8-year-old Xiaoxiao spent three nights cradling their sick child on a hospital floor desperate to see a doctor. They are just one of the millions of families who seek out pediatric specialists in the hope their child will be cured.

Rebalancing global economy

2011-02-24 07:38:01

The US-led Western countries' advocacy of revising the way that current accounts are measured fully exposes their attempts to shift the responsibilities for the global economic imbalances to countries with a trade surplus.

A great opportunity for China and EU

2011-02-23 07:46:54

This year is the European Union-China Year of Youth. Aimed at strengthening and expanding people-to-people contacts, intercultural dialogue, mutual understanding and cooperation

View DPRK as it really is

2011-02-23 07:46:54

Many Western politicians and researchers, predicting the DPRK's collapse, tend to count China in.

Improved review process

2011-02-23 07:46:54

New procedures and joint review committee will help facilitate mergers and acquisitions by foreign firms

Metro Goldwyn Mayer

2011-02-23 07:46:54

High food prices

2011-02-22 07:57:57

High food prices

Common prosperity the focus

2011-02-22 07:57:57

New development model is based on consumption, a greener economy and a balanced national public service network.

The global influence of China

2011-02-22 07:57:57

Last week, a Gallup Poll found that more than half of Americans mistakenly see China rather than the United States as the world's leading economic power.

Unlock the potential of services sector

2011-02-22 07:57:57

China's top political adviser Jia Qinglin stressed the development of the services industry, echoing the head of the national economy planning body's announcement.

China should be judged properly

2011-02-21 07:35:39

Western journalists were playing up the partial disagreement between China and other countries.

On road to a balanced society

2011-02-21 07:35:39

China has seen rapid economic development and political stability over the past three decades, but with them have come a variety of social contradictions.