Salt rumor

2011-03-19 07:45:08

Globalization of knowledge

2011-03-19 07:45:08

The impact of global financial crisis on the West will help Asia, especially China, rise in the field of higher education.

Time to walk the talk on Peninsula issue

2011-03-18 07:52:45

To resolve the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue, it is thus important to first figure out the crux of the matter.

People first, not GDP

2011-03-18 07:52:45

New, scientific and sustainable development plan will raise living standards and ensure balanced growth.

Disasters, science and lunacy

2011-03-18 07:52:45

The spreading of rumors across the world is a throwback from the Dark Ages, pre-science, and has no place in 2011, especially in modern media such as the Internet.

Contributing to global health

2011-03-17 08:01:01

China should promote dialogue and cooperation with other donors for world health causes to dispel misunderstandings

Development plan has global significance

2011-03-17 08:01:01

Experts around the world are busy reading China's new Five-Year Plan, a detailed national development strategy for the coming years that has both domestic and global significance.

Save energy for better future

2011-03-17 08:01:01

People have to realize that the little inconvenience they suffer today to protect the environment will bear sweeter fruits in the long run - for them and the generations to come.

A tale of Japan's nuclear morality

2011-03-17 08:01:01

The troubles of Fukushima nuclear-power plant - and other reactors - in northeast Japan have dealt a severe blow to the global nuclear industry...

People's macro-tax burden

2011-03-16 08:02:33

Nation should use more of its growing revenues to narrow income gaps and make wealth distribution more equitable.

The right to lead a good life

2011-03-16 08:02:33

The just-concluded annual sessions of the National People's Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee were especially important for two reasons.

Can Japan and nuke-power plants coexist?

2011-03-16 08:02:33

Friday's massive earthquake that ravaged Japan's northeast region led to the first-ever state of emergency issued for nuclear plants, including the evacuation of a neighborhood.