Financial regulation essential

2011-02-16 07:55:45

The recent financial crisis has exposed critical vulnerabilities in the modern financial system. To prevent a future crisis, we need a simpler financial system that is less leveraged, and better regulated.

For strategic China-US ties

2011-02-16 07:55:45

China-US military ties have become a "security dilemma". Because of China's rapid development and accelerated military modernization the US feels China will sooner or later pose a challenge to the US' hegemony in Asia Pacific and the world beyond.

Egypt game of speculators

2011-02-16 07:55:45

None of Western media outlets or other news channels has identified the small group of individuals who were truly and directly responsible for much of the unrest sweeping across Egypt.

Challenges are unavoidable

2011-02-15 07:55:18

It is essential for China to improve its production efficiency in order to transform its mode of development.

Taking China's risks seriously

2011-02-15 07:55:18

A static watch gives the right time twice a day. But it is of no use for the rest of the time. This fact is worth keeping in mind when looking at China's economy this year.

Green jobs need more investment

2011-02-15 07:55:18

Political rhetoric has shifted away from the need to respond to the "generational challenge" of climate change.

US high-speed rail plan

2011-02-15 07:55:18

US high-speed rail plan

Japanese cabinet

2011-02-14 07:46:59

Jobless and low consumption

2011-02-12 08:09:17

Jobless and low consumption

Efficient energy cooperation

2011-02-12 07:31:05

While there has been high profile conflict between the United States and China over energy issues, quiet cooperation does exist, in the form of decades of joint work on energy efficiency standards.

Boosting the private sector

2011-02-12 07:31:05

Non-government businesses have picked up development speed but need continuous financial and policy support.

Where to go is question for job seekers

2011-02-10 07:48:15

While millions of people from the rural peripheries continue to flood into the booming metropolises, a growing group of burnt-out white collars are retreating to the smaller cities in search of a more relaxed lifestyle.