Obama's re-election

2011-08-22 08:03:50

Ties with ASEAN advance

2011-08-22 07:39:23

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the dialogue mechanism between China and the ASEAN.

Tyranny of the majority rampant online

2011-08-22 07:39:23

Shenzhen's transport police declared a policeman a "star" member of staff, after he continued to serve in his post even after losing his newborn son.

Debate: Marriage Law

2011-08-22 07:39:23

Does the latest judicial explanation of the Marriage Law favor men? Three experts come up with divergent interpretations.

A new test for bilateral ties

2011-08-20 07:53:01

China and US can break traditional cycle of conflict between two powers if they establish a partnership on mutual respect

Still full steam ahead for China

2011-08-20 07:53:01

The recently published European Union (EU) GDP figures, following those for the United States and Japan, completes the picture of slow growth in developed economies.

Drainage of donation

2011-08-20 07:53:01

It is open to question whether Red Cross Society of China will survive the current waves of suspicion and continue playing the role of one of the principal charity organizations. It is also not certain whether China Charity Federation is innocent and the allegations of mishandling corporate donations against it are, as it has claimed, groundless.

Not to be left behind

2011-08-20 07:53:01

Holding a summer camp to reunite 30 children from rural areas of Anhui province with their parents in Beijing this week is heartening and thought-provoking.

Planting the seeds of hope

2011-08-19 07:57:22

It is absurd for some countries to try and blame China for the famine in the Horn of Africa.

US trying to put out a fire with gasoline

2011-08-19 07:57:22

Depreciation and QE3 may be able to slightly raise US exports and consumption, but they will not address unemployment.

Flattops come with benefits

2011-08-19 07:57:22

Some people worried whether the country's economic growth will continue to be strong enough to support the building of aircraft carriers in future.

Germany's options

2011-08-19 07:58:36