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Focusing on the blur

Sabrina Merolla is enthralled by the images that flit past her eyes every day in Beijing. Through her camera lens, those seemingly transient scenes of everyday life take on a more permanent nature.

Kung Fu connections

He straddles two cultures and plays a bridging role, and his introduction to all things Chinese was through a legendary kung fu hero. He tells Sun Ye who and what brought him to China.

Swede ambitions

When Linus Holmsater first came to Beijing in 2009, he was confounded by the daily routine of the Chinese around him.

Young adventurer discovers 25 dreams

Youth, dreams and global travel are the focus of many books aiming to attract young adult readers.

Italian painter's brush with New China came five decades ago

Soon after his return from a thought-provoking trip to China in 1956, Italian artist Aligi Sassu (1912-2000) began several large-scale oil paintings, which included The New China that he finished three years later.

Heart in the hutong

American author's fascination with people in Beijing's traditional courtyard homes inspires passion for an ancient lifestyle.

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