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Expats on the loose in Beijing

Tian'anmen was still buzzing with politicians and tourists on Sunday morning as the two sessions wrapped up under China's new leadership and trumpets sounded for the "Chinese dream".

Let markets clean up Beijing's air

Given that environmental issues are expected to be hot topics at the upcoming two sessions, one can only hope they will be taken seriously.

Expats skip travel for fun in the capital

Some welcome opportunity to beat heavy crowds, relax among friends.

Up close and personal with dumplings

Iwas stuffing dollops of minced meat into jiaozi - for news cameras. I had thought I'd signed up for a class, and I had, but it also turned out to be a televised contest.

Young Spanish scientist has a career 'made in China'

"Made in China" is a label Mario Lanza is happy to wear.

What they say

"Before (I came to) China, I used to do ice hockey and jogging, but since I came to Beijing, I don't do them anymore."

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