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A real-life warrior

Anyone who knows me knows that I am not a fan of visiting hospitals or going to funerals. But going to see 11-year-old Yuanyuan recently at a Beijing hospital was a must for me.

When did my list for Santa Claus become New Year resolutions?

As a kid, I had lots of toys on my wish list for Santa. But like many Chinese parents, they stuck to what they thought would be most beneficial to my development. Once, I received a Mickey Mouse bubblegum machine filled with red, white and blue gumballs. It required a penny to play it, thus teaching me early in life the meaning of the term "user-pay".

Here Comes Santa Claus

His beard is iconic, his red robe and green pants are symbolic, his jovial laugh is titanic, he is the one and only Father Christmas, Santa Claus and he is making his presence felt in Beijing. Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicolas, Kris Kringle, or just simply Santa, touched down in Beijing decked out in his Christmas best at the Finnish Ambassador's residence on Tuesday as part of a tour across China before his big night, Christmas Eve. Presented to a crowd of media by the Finnish ambassador Lars Backstrom at the ambassador's residence, Santa Claus says he is delighted to be in Beijing.

Journey from Suzhou to Beijing to Project Pengyou

When Loretta Evans arrived at Suzhou's Soochow University in 2005 to teach computer engineering and software, she was the first foreign instructor ever recruited to teach anything but English.

Make a joyful Noise!

On a cold December night in Beijing, crowds gather at the Hilton Hotel lobby, eager to listen to a choir gathering on stage. There is the smell of ginger and spice and mulled wine mixed with the aroma of warm pine. For an instant, this could be anywhere but China.

Make a joyful Noise!

On a cold December night in Beijing, crowds gather at the Hilton Hotel lobby, eager to listen to a choir gathering on stage. There is the smell of ginger and spice and mulled wine mixed with the aroma of warm pine. For an instant, this could be anywhere but China.

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